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Acting Witchy (Witch Hunters) Page 3
Acting Witchy (Witch Hunters) Read online
Page 3
Chapter Five
The trip from L.A. to Wilmington, NC had been a little tiring but mostly uneventful. Filming began tomorrow. They had offered her a sweet deal that was much better than she would have expected. Sean obviously didn’t want her to have a reason to back out. The salary they were paying her was twice her usual asking price. A limo had picked her up at the airport to transport her to the Hilton. They were also paying for her hotel suite and giving her a personal trailer onset. A bouquet of a dozen white roses and a bottle of champagne had been waiting for her in her room. She was raving to Marielle on the phone about the royal treatment she was receiving when she heard a knock.
“Hold on a sec, Marielle, there’s a knock at the door.” She peered through the peephole to see a courier holding a thick brown envelope. She placed her phone on an end table and opened the door.
He scanned the package and handed it over to her. “Please, sign here, ma’am.” He held out an electronic pad. She signed her name and winced at the results. The pads never picked up her signature correctly. Surely, her handwriting was not that hideous. She thanked him. He declined her offer of a tip.
She ripped open the package to find a script with Sean’s name on it. There was a note attached with a paper clip informing her that there had been some rewrites. Ian’s Heart was printed at the top. Sean had finally given the movie a title.
“Marielle, are you still there?”
“It was a courier. Sean’s editing his script already.”
“Well, better now than after filming starts.”
“I suppose so,” she said, suddenly unable to shake a feeling of dread. “I’ll look it over and get back to you.”
She skimmed the script. Most of it was the same. She was beginning to think that there was some mistake when she found the difference between this script and the one she’d received originally. Sean had inserted two love scenes. “Fucking bastard,” she whispered. They’d already negotiated her deal and he knew she wouldn’t agree to onscreen nudity.
Furious, she called Sean. “What’s the meaning of these new scenes? I told you I won’t do nudity.”
“Mystique? The producers called for more steam. R-rated romances have doing better of late—”
“You told me you were going for a PG-13 rating.”
“Is this really going to be a problem? I mean, do you object to it for religious reasons? Or is this about you and me?”
“I don’t know what insanity you’re talking about. There is no you and me.”
He sighed. “Forget the nudity. It’s not required of you. What you’re afraid of is that if I take you into my arms and simulate sex with you that you’ll want the real thing. Am I wrong?”
She shivered. “Go to hell.”
He chuckled. “Can’t wait to have you beneath me, your legs spread wide, wrapped around my waist. I won’t be inside you, but you can bet I’ll be hard and ready for you. I’ll dry hump you into a soft mattress for hours. You know how long these shoots can take. Guaranteed this one will take a while. I may forget my lines over and over. I won’t be able to help it while I’m between your sweet thighs.”
Her hands trembled so badly she could barely press to disconnect the call. What the hell had she gotten herself into? She felt the overwhelming urge to flee.
Instead she stripped off her clothes and took a chilly shower to cool her overheated body. His words played over and over in her head. She was attracted to him and she hated it. She was in an untenable position. Giving in to her desire for him could change her life forever. She wasn’t even sure if she liked him.
She was still on edge when a knock sounded at her door a short time later. Dressed in a plush white robe and drying her hair with a towel, she peeped to see who was in the hallway. She released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding when she saw a young lady holding a clipboard. She’d feared it would be Sean though she’d been told that he wouldn’t be there for the first few days of shooting. He was doing last minute reshoots for an action flick sequel.
She opened the door. “Yes?”
“Hi, I’m Neva Nyugen. I’ve been assigned as your personal assistant by Mr. Savage.” She showed her a badge with a picture of herself. In the photo, her hair was purple with white streaks. Currently, her hair was styled in a short bob with the two long locks remaining at the front that curved around her jaw. It was dyed a severe black with the tips of the longest tresses colored a bright hot pink. “I came by to introduce myself and see if there’s anything you need.”
This was another first. Playing smaller parts put less pressure on her, but it didn’t have the perks of a starring role. She’d never had her own assistant or her own trailer before. “Come in. I was freshening up a bit.”
“Nice room,” Neva commented. “Love the view.”
“Thanks.” She glanced over her shoulder where the large window overlooked the Cape Fear River. It was captivating.
“So is there anything you will need me to stock your trailer with? Something you can’t live without? A specific brand of bottled water, candy, flowers? ”
“Whatever’s there will be fine, I’m sure.”
“OK, but let me know anything you need and I’ll make sure you have it.” She pulled a card off the clipboard. “My number’s on there. Call me anytime. I always have it with me. I look forward to working with you and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Mystique thanked her and saw her out. She called Marielle, informing her of the script changes. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. I didn’t feel calm enough to talk about it at first.”
“The added love scenes don’t mean they expect nudity from you.”
She debated repeating Sean’s words, which bordered on harassment. “My naked behind aside, I’m worried about the level of realism Sean is expecting.” Her heart sped up at the thought of being in bed with him. Could she remain professional while he was covering her, simulating sex with her? She closed her eyes, trying to dispel the steamy images that thought provoked.
“Do you want me to fly out there?”
“No, I’ll be fine.” She felt guilty for taking up so much of her friend’s time. She wasn’t her only client.
The first few days of filming without Sean were bliss. The cast and crew were all friendly. They dined together the initial day of shooting. But when Sean came, the vibe changed. Everyone was as friendly as ever with the exception of Sonya Rivers, the actress playing Sean’s other love interest. Previously, when they’d been introduced, the blonde had given her a hug and enthused that she thought they would be the best of friends. But from the moment Sean arrived, she snubbed her. Mystique tried to ask her to lunch to discuss it but the other woman actually walked away while she was in the middle of a sentence.
“What was that about? Did I say something to offend her?”
Neva looked up from her clipboard and shrugged. Mystique noticed that she carried it with her everywhere. She wondered why she didn’t replace it with a tablet computer. “Don’t worry about it. There’s one of her on every set.” At her puzzled look, Neva answered, “She’s got a crush on Sean. And he hasn’t made it a secret that he’s hot for you.”
Mystique blushed. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“We could hear him this morning after the scene was over. Either he forgot about the boom mic or he didn’t care.”
Her blush deepened. They’d been filming the initial meeting between Zoe and Sean’s character Ian. There was plenty of romantic tension in the scene but no touching. Deep down, she had to grudgingly admit that she enjoyed working with him. His talent kept her on her toes to hold her own. Looking at him made her want to ask their maker why he’d spent so much lavish attention on creating him. His beauty practically took her breath away. And he knew it, too. The minute the scene was complete his usual grin had stretched his lips. And then he’d asked her to dinner. At her no, he’d assured her that she would agree sooner or later.
“He must really like you. I’ve never known him to ask out a co-star.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“You can’t believe the tabloids. He’s not nearly as wild as they make him out to be.”
“How long have you worked with him?”
“About five years.” She stopped to smile. “I’m usually his assistant. He loaned me out to you, which tells me how much he thinks of you.”
Her mouth dropped open. And she’d begun to really trust Neva. She realized that she’d never be able to speak openly to her. A change of subject was in order. “So, um, when am I needed onset again?”
Neva flipped a couple of pages. “You’re done for the day. Keep your phone on, of course, but you can go back to the hotel if you want.”
She decided to hang out for a while. Food was provided onset so she ate off the buffet and then watched as Sonya and Sean played out a verbal altercation. He was really intense. It amazed her how fast Sonya could go from shrew to delicate flower. When the director called cut, she laughed and hugged Sean. Mystique admitted the two would make a striking couple. Sean was tall and dark. Sonya was petite with platinum curls and large baby blue eyes.
“Have dinner with me tonight?” Sonya asked him with a cute toss of her blonde mane. Sean grinned down at her. Mystique didn’t stay around to hear his response.
Chapter Six
Sean stood outside of Mystique’s door, all too certain of the unwelcome reception he was about to receive. He was a confident guy. How could he not be? He’d been told from the age of sixteen that he was sexy, hot, or gorgeous. The film industry had only reinforced his confidence in his looks.
Mystique’s behavior wasn’t a blow to his ego. He knew she was attracted to him. That didn’t mean that her rejection didn’t hurt.
He could hear the television playing inside the room. At his knock it was muted. She opened the door in a white tank top and white yoga pants. She’d braided her hair into one thick plait at the base of her head. Her face was completely devoid of makeup. He was awed by her beauty. Her lips were naturally pink and plump. He was instantly aroused and he barely contained his groan as she braced her hand on the door frame.
He held up two fragrant bags of food. They smelled of fries. “I bought you dinner. I hope you haven’t already eaten.”
Her dark eyes flashed to the fast food and then back to his face. A smile softened her features before she schooled her expression to be carefully blank. At least, he hoped it was a smile. “I said no.”
“You need to eat.”
“And I’ll do so on my own.” She started to close the door.
He put his hand in the frame. “This is work related.”
“How so?”
“We need to spend more time together, get comfortable with each other. How are we supposed to portray lovers if you stiffen up whenever I get near you?”
“I don’t—”
“You do. So far, no one’s said anything, but it’s going to become obvious. I’m not a beast.”
“I know you’re not.” It wasn’t a ringing endorsement of his character and she didn’t say more.
He arched a brow. “Invite me in.” She flinched and moved aside. He wet his lips. “Invite me in,” he said again. He couldn’t enter without an invitation.
She sighed and the sound was full of exasperation and frustration. “Come in.” It was the most grudging invitation he’d ever received. That didn’t matter. He entered.
He handed her one of the bags. “I didn’t bring drinks.”
“I have bottled water.” She led the way to the couch and placed the bag on the glass-topped coffee table. The ice bucket sat on the surface. Four bottles of water rested inside. She sat on the floor and handed him a bottle. “Neva keeps me well hydrated. Thanks for loaning her to me by the way.”
He took the water and sat next to her. “You’re welcome. I’m glad that’s working out for the both of you. She says having you as a boss is a breeze.” He grinned. “Of course, she thinks I’m a pain in the ass.”
She shrugged and dug into her bag. “Is she your only personal assistant?”
He nodded. “I used to have two, but the other one bailed on me to marry the love of his life. She moved to Paris and for some reason, he wanted to follow.”
“You don’t believe in love?”
He removed his burger and fries from his bag. “Do you want my patented answer or the truth?”
“The truth,” she said as though he should have known that. And indeed, he did. He knew she wasn’t the sort that wanted platitudes.
“I believe in love. I’ve never been in love. And I don’t know if I ever will. You meet a lot of attractive packages in this business. But genuine beauty, inside and out, is hard to find. I admit I’ve taken advantage of some of the shallow people who’ve come my way wanting to use my success. When our relationships were over, we walked away mutually satisfied. How about you? Do you believe in love?” An awful possibility occurred to him. “Are you in a relationship?”
“I believe in love.” She hesitated and he knew she contemplated lying to him. “I’m single.”
They ate in silence for a while. Finally, he asked, “Why don’t you like me?”
Her lovely eyes narrowed. They were so dark and contrasted sharply with her pale creamy skin. “Are we in kindergarten?” She drank from her water bottle, leaving an appealing sheen of moisture on her full lips. His cock jumped. He’d been hard since he walked through the door. Never had a woman done so little and made him so horny.
“Come on. It’s killing me.”
She shrugged, but she wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Sometimes personalities just don’t click.”
“That’s bullshit. You didn’t like me before we met. And it’s frustrating as hell since I like you.”
She inhaled sharply. “You don’t know me. You just want to…”
He grinned. “I want to what?”
“Let’s not play games, Sean. It’s obvious you’re pursuing me for sex. I’ve done what you wanted. I’m in your film. It stops there.”
She stood. He caught her hand when she would have walked away. “I could let it go at that if I didn’t know you wanted me as much as I want you.”
“You’re delusional. I feel nothing for you.”
“God, your mouth is so sexy. Even when it’s spewing lies.”
She wet her lips and he groaned. “Let me go.”
Ignoring her, he tugged until she was on her knees before him. His eyes dropped to the exposed curves of her breast. He couldn’t help it. “Prove it to me,” he challenged, his gaze meeting hers. “Prove you don’t want me.”
“No thanks. I have nothing to prove to you.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to deal with me asking you out every chance I get.”
“The answer will always be no.”
He arched a brow. “You didn’t let me finish. I’ll keep hounding you to do movies with me, spend time with me, and more.” He looked at her breasts again, this time letting his gaze linger. “Hitting on you. And all the while, I’ll believe that it’s what you want since you can’t or won’t prove otherwise.”
“Fine! How do I prove to you the level of apathy I feel for you?”
“Let me kiss you.”
“You can’t handle one kiss?”
“What will one kiss prove?”
“That you’re unmoved by me. If my kiss has no effect on you, then I’ll know.”
“Are you forgetting that we’ve kissed before?”
“No. And I’m betting you haven’t forgotten either. That kiss has haunted me,” he said truthfully. The remembrance of her lips beneath his had fueled many fantasies. But that was over a month ago. He needed more.
“How will you tell if it’s affected me?”
“You’ll tell me.” She was going to agree. His heart thumped with the possibility. “So what do you say?”
“I c
an’t believe this,” she muttered. “All right. One kiss. That’s it. You keep your hands to yourself.”
“I can’t kiss you if I can’t hold you.” He thought quickly. “Sit on my lap. I’ll keep my hands on the floor.”
Her irritation was palatable. “Fine. Let’s just get it over with.” She waited for him to press his hands palm down onto the floor before straddling him. She shot him a glare as she came into contact with the thick bar of his erection. She adjusted herself so that she was no longer covering his cock.
“Sorry. Damn, no I’m not. You affect me that way.” He lifted his mouth to hers. She didn’t pull away but made no attempt to meet him halfway. “By the way,” he whispered, “I plan to use my tongue.” His lips touched hers and as with the last time, he felt an immediate electric connection with her. He tilted his head and painted the seam of her lips with his tongue. She denied him entry. He increased his pressure and tried again. He groaned as she continued to resist. “God, Myst, open to me,” he muttered against her lips. It was a demand, not a plea. His voice was thick with lust and he couldn’t control it. She brought out the predator in him.
She obeyed and he thrust his tongue inside to taste her. She moaned and fitted her mouth more closely with his. The sound of her pleasure made him want to come in his pants. He arched his hips and she slid forward, slamming into contact with his throbbing dick. He swallowed her cry. He hoped it was pleasure and not shock that caused her to make that sound.
His tongue was wild in her mouth. He wanted to taste every inch of her. He wanted to strip her bare, suck her nipples, lick her sweet pussy. Her hands gripped his shoulders and she moved on him, dry humping him. God, he wanted to fuck her, drive his cock as deep into her tight pussy as possible.
He dug his hands into the carpeting to keep his promise not to touch her. The kiss went on and on. The room was filled with the sounds of their heightened breathing and their moans. He knew he had to call a stop to this soon. He was going to come in his pants. He pulled back and she followed him, her hands cupping his cheeks.